Monday, August 15, 2011

IVF in Tijuana, Mexico

No pain is greater for some people than not being able to conceive a child. With the possibility of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in Tijuana, intended parents can look forward to a low cost infertility treatment.

Mexico’s medical tourism industry has made it possible for people to have IVF treatments done for a cost beyond contemplation in the world’s wealthiest countries.  Prices can be 50 percent lower cost than the cost for the same procedure in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any country in Europe. Mexico’s doctors and medical staff in Tijuana are also highly trained and qualified. Many of the doctors have been educated in the United States and their clinics are internationally certified by JCI or are ISO qualified. 

The Hope of IVF

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), IVF is the most popular of all artificial reproductive procedures. It was chosen 99% over all the others in 2007 and 2008.

The reasons any one woman cannot conceive a child is uniquely individual and statistics are difficult to evaluate. However, success rates with IVF are steadily improving. The CDC states that in the United States, IVF success rates rose from 38% in 2005, to 39% in 2006, 40% in 2007, and 41% in 2008. It is still not easy to get pregnant but the chances are getting better.

With Tijuana’s highly qualified medical staff, having an IVF that leads to a live birth is statistically equal. But Mexico’s much lower cost of living makes it possible for the clinic to charge much less.

What Happens with IVF?

The procedure lasts about four weeks:
  • Production of eggs is stimulated in the woman.
  • After the eggs mature, they are retrieved from her.
  • In the laboratory, the eggs are fertilized with her partner’s sperm.
  • When they have started to multiply, the pre-embryos are placed back into the wife’s uterus, usually 48 hours later.
  • Fertilization can be confirmed by the following day.

Most of the inserted embryos will not continue to the fertilization process. The highest number of multiple births conceived through IVF is nine.

There is no risk to the mother unless she has a negative reaction to medication somewhere along the process, or has a difficult delivery.

Why have IVF in Tijuana?

  • Excellent doctors and staff
  • Thorough care and aftercare
  • No wait times
  • Much lower costs
  • The fun of the Mexican sun

If a couple is willing to keep on trying, the fertility clinics of Tijuana can make the costs much cheaper for them and make it possible for them to try more often.

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