Monday, September 19, 2011

Womb for Rent in Ukraine

Many restrictions in western, industrialized countries make it difficult for childless couple, or singles to have their own baby through surrogacy. In Ukraine, however, surrogate pregnancy is a legal, regulated industry. Couples and singles, from all over the world, who desperately want to have their own baby, are welcome to come to Ukraine.

The doctors are highly qualified and the clinics are state-of-the-art.  Yet, because the cost of living in Ukraine is so much lower than in the industrialized world, surrogacy can be 50% or lower in cost than in the childless parents’ home countries.

Surrogacy is being sought after by people looking forward to their journey down the parenthood road. As per statistics released by the CDC and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), the number of babies born through gestational surrogate pregnancies grew by 100 percent over a period of time from 2004 to 2008 in the US.

Special Laws for Surrogacy in Ukraine

Ukrainian law makes certain that a surrogate is fully tested, and does not suffer from any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and health problems. She cannot be drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs. She must have had at least one child and cannot be over the age of 35.

Married couples, common-law couples or single men and women are welcome to come and hire a Ukrainian surrogate. The child is immediately considered the child of the commissioning parents or parent. The surrogate cannot change her mind at any time and decide to keep the child. The child’s passport is issued with the names of the commissioning parents and may return home with the baby soon after birth.

There are no wait times. As soon as the couple or single persons are ready to come to Ukraine, a surrogate will be waiting for them. The couple may supply their own egg and sperm. If a couple cannot supply an egg or sperm, or if the intended parent is single, an egg or sperm donor can be supplied for them. The egg and sperm legally belong to the childless parents regardless of the donor.

Hassle-Free Travel Arrangements to Ukraine

All arrangements can be made through a medical tourism company. The agency can suggest the doctors and clinics, negotiate a fee and payment plan suitable to both parties and make the entire hotel and travel arrangements.

While the commissioning parents wait for fertilization to take place they are welcome to relax and visit the tourist hot spots of Ukraine. This ancient land has some of the finest and oldest well-preserved renaissance, baroque and classic architecture in the world.  Fine restaurants, music and cultural events, festivals, markets, parks and botanical gardens are all waiting to be explored.

For a worry-free, affordable surrogacy, Ukraine has to be one of the best places to go.

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